Saturday, February 14, 2015

PRESENT yourself = TA DA?

Romans 12:1
 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

     I have read, memorized and taught this scripture for years!  So I would definitely classify it as familiar.  Familiar or not I love that God's word is alive and interactive with us because I have just been blown away by some sweet truth that I have never seen before in this verse.  Here we go! 

     Maybe it's because I grew up doing theater but when I have read this verse in the past and I get the "present yourself" part I automatically do a spiritual "Shave and a Hair Cut, Two Bits!"  If you don't know what that is its OK. Here is another example. Your kids makes some sort of craft runs into the living room glue still dripping excited as all get out an says, "TA DA!"  
I looked up the word present in the original language and guess what it means? 

PRESENT: to stand beside, offer, to be at hand

     What?!  There is nothing showy about that!  To "stand beside" is all about proximity and relationship!  It is not surprising that this is what God desires.  He says this to us over and over in the Bible. In my fallen nature I keep trying to substitute what He wants from me with what I want to give Him.  I would rather give him my holiness and my version of acceptable all wrapped up in a presentable package.  My problem is, not only can I not make myself presentable I can't even find the wrapping paper! 

    This is a classic example of how I often get the gospel inside out.  Its by Christ blood that I am holy (set apart) and acceptable...a work that has already been done that I get to accept not work for.  So what it my part in all of this.  To be near and stay there. When I draw near to God and he draw near to me I am now "at hand."  His hand.  The living sacrifice thing is covered because we all know the times we have stood near (abide in Christ, John 15) we are tuned in.  Ready an willing to fallow the lead of God Spirit.  As we draw near (present ourselves) we are at His hand.  The safest most secure place there is.  No wonder Paul appeals or beseeches us to present or get beside or loving Father.  He knew it was the best!  So then being a living sacrifice doesn't seem like we are giving much up does it? 

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