Galatians 6:1-2
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
LAW OF CHRIST: John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
The scripture above has brought great freedom and change in my heart and in our home. We have a strong willed child. I have pretty much felt at my end as a parent for quite some time in my relationship with this one. I feel like I can never get through to them and yelling louder only exacerbates the problem. I have read a few amazing books with some really great and helpful tricks. Books can be timely avenues that God uses to get our attention in a certain area but NOTHING will hold a torch to the Word of God. It alone is alive and active and interactive with our soul and spirit. So as I was getting excited about yet another book and burnt out on all the tricks of the last book my husband almost gently said to me, why don't you just read the bible. If you know my man you know truth is his strong suit and mercy is one that is still being tailored! He softened with me and said, Jess you were so excited about the last book and now your talking about a new book but I haven't heard much of what God has shown you from His word and implementing that in parenting. BUSTED! I asked him to give me a few passages he thought I should study. He did and I did. I continued to pray that God would lead me in His word for guidance on how to better parent, and specifically my strong one.
Our washer has been broken for a week so we have been at my Mom and Dad in Love's often. I am so blessed to have one of the greatest bible teachers and heart's to disciple that I have ever known, for a Father in Love! He challenge my thinking in a few areas and gave me some scripture to chew on. They were the verses above.
It never dawned on me to apply these scriptures to my parent child relationships! When I did I began to see that I don't HAVE to be at war with my kids and their choices. I am the one who would be considered "spiritual" in the situation. Hahah. But really that just means willing to be lead by the Spirit and I am! Not perfectly of course but that is my hearts desire and daily practice. My job is not to just put up with my kids and dish out consequences because I have to train them up right, but to gently restore. To teach them that forgiveness is always free but trust is to be earned. My heart towards them is not just survival but humility, genteelness and seeking restoration. If I am not careful I get sucked right into selfishness, impatience and what ever flavor of sin that runs ramped through our home with 3 immature kids under the age of 7. Being gentle, seeking to restore and bearing their burdens doesn't mean that when they mess up there isn't correction that is most often uncomfortable for them. It just means that even though God has given me the job to implement discipline that doesn't mean that I HAVE to be frustrated. So I have to ask myself, "Am I willing to wake up and say Lord this is your day what now?" Am I shocked when my kids sin? As if any amount of raising them to do the right thing is going to take away their sin nature and desperate need for Jesus. God has really changed my perspective with these verses on my entire job as a mom! I hope this was encouraging to at least one. Happy Parenting!
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Just got a new bible. ESV Journal Bible. LOVE IT! |
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