Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Humility & Rest

     My man works 6 days a week and volunteers at the fire department on top of that.  We have started going to a Saturday night service for church.  It makes for a long Saturday but a glorious one whole day with no commitments. Maybe other stay at home Mom's have run into this.  Hubby just wants to do nothing on his day off and Wife just wants to go do something on the day off. Now my man is amazing  at going on adventures and making them so fun. Every once in a while he asks, "can we just not do anything on Sunday this week."  Just the question sends me spinning with disappointment and dread of the day off.  Its not that he is asking can I keep to myself and not spend time with the family.  He just doesn't want to go on some grand adventure.  He's rather play legos or tea party at home. Not something I should be upset about.  It came to my attention last weekend when the request was made and we stayed home and I acted like a toddler who wasn't getting what she wanted.....I DON'T know how to REST!  Oh man!  That's kind of a big deal and I have always chalked it up to "personality" or "Mom cabin fever."  The truth is I have my own car I can and do get out quite enough (maybe to much).  I struggle with down time.  Feeling like time is always better spent being productive.  On down days I always end up getting a jump on chores for the next week thinking of my self better than my husband who is playing video games for the first time in 6 days or playing with our kids and just being with them!  EEK!!!  Gross!!!  So there is the problem.  A little long winded but I wanted to paint a proper picture of the situation.  The need for rest is build in me weather I like it or not.  Even the God of all rested on the 7 day.  How arrogant for me to think I don't need to or just to not do it because its uncomfortable to just stop.  Since that weekend I have been asking the Lord to show me how to rest.  Of course He has been faithful to do it.  What I didn't expect is that He would show me there are times to rest all through out every day, not just the day off.  Not only that, rest is totally connected to and impossible without humility 

Matthew 11:28-30 AMP

28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
30 For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.
     What! I totally know this verse by heart because I knew it had to be important but I didn't know how important!  This affects every second of our day!  It takes humility to "come to Him" and not just try to get it done our own way.  He lays it out.  Come to Him and he causes us to rest!  Oh, Lord that coming to You would be more reflexive for us!  I fight the simplest act of submission and humility.  The word Yoke means "beam of balance!"  Don't we all long for balance in our lives?  It starts with a simple act of going to Him.  I believe that this is what God is talking about when He tells us to, do justly love mercy and walk humbly with Him.  One step at a time, one moment at a time though out our day.  Going to him in all things.  This going of course doesn't mean having a quiet time for 4 hours while you ignore your kids.  It's more like in the midst of trying get 3 kids strapped into a tiny car, that you know you should be thankful you even have but its so stinkin hard to strap them in because the car seats are so tight. Everyone is talking or crying at once in your face because the car is so small you have to bend over all of them to strap the middle kid, one is pulling on your necklace that you have already fix 3 times because each child has broken it but you still want to wear it because even though you didn't get a chance to put make up on that morning you feel a little pretty with your favorite necklace on....in that moment in our heart/mind go to Jesus.  Some times all you say is keep me calm and you enjoy the rest He gives to help you address each need one at a time with our yelling at and shaming your kids for being kids. 
Wish I had a better picture, notice the over
lapping of the car seats.  Ps. I really am thankful for my car! 
     That is the kind of rest I have experienced so far.  Rest between me and Jesus, lest frustration with my kids and more power to handle the duties of the day. Cleaning the house is nothing compared to the duty of training up children.  Yet both need to get done in a fairly consistent manner.  There is rest to be had even in the craziest moments and the hardest circumstance.  We need grace for those times.  God gives grace to the humble.  As we go to Him in humility He will give us grace for the need and rest. Yay! 
Side note we have a 3 day weekend coming up and I am excited to put skin in the game on this rest thing. We will see how it goes! 


  1. I so feel you here! I have trouble with down time also. I can't sit still. And I have trouble remembering that hubby needs to veg out after work. I feel like I never do that... then I remember I spend a LARGE portion of my day, sitting on a couch, nursing, playing on my phone or whatever... I tell myself that it is still "working" (feeding a baby) but if I am honest, I do get to rest sometimes throughout the day. I will be praying for you (and me) for this - that we will be unified with our husbands in their rest time and that we will take it too! Good luck with the three day weekend!!

    1. Thank you Heather! So far so good on the weekend! Its only Saturday morning and my house is a wreck. lol love you girl
