Monday, February 11, 2013

Ugly But Functional

  I saw this on Pinterst.  A dresser re purposed into a some what of a shelf/ dresser.  In my mind my re purposed dresser is a fun pop color and there are beautiful matching baskets to go in the shelf section.   In reality this old dresser was given us.  I don't have the time or money right now to do anything to the finish or color but man, is my stuff organized!  It holds all things creative.  Something dear to my heart that has long awaited a place of its own.  In our new house we have an office but it just didn't fit in there so I have the dresser out in the garage.  I am much more likely to have times of creating with my kiddos and for myself if everything is in one place and organized.  The moral of this post is don't wait to make it perfect or even beautiful.  If it can be functional and maybe one day beautiful, GO FOR IT! 
My random Dollar Tree Baskets that don't match. 

Removed 2 of the drawers 

This is the top little drawer


  1. Great idea! I agree, sometimes when we wait for all the pieces and parts to be "right", we miss out on that wonderful sense of organization and accomplishment! Maybe one day it will be painted. In the meantime, you'll have a much easier time of creating with your kiddos! Love it. (Lia)
