Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wa Wa Advent Day 2

     Last night I got all snuggled into bed.  Going to sleep at the end of every day is always wonderful!  I was almost completely asleep when I started dreaming/ thinking about Wa Wa! "Oh, No!"  I forgot to set Wa Wa up for tomorrow! Out of bed I was groggy so I reverted to an Elf picture I had seen on Pintrest. Colored Milk!!! 
Sneaky Mama! 
The boys keep calling the stickers verses because
 the pieces of story is all about Jesus probably. 


  1. Replies
    1. Its not really verses! Its sentences of a fluid story of Christ Birth. The boys just call them verses. Its really cool my mom took all the best from several Christmas stories and broke them into 25 sentences. She prints them out on sticker paper and we make a book out of it. I'll have her email me the whole thing so you can read it.
