February 2015
Bear: Mom don't you wish you could make a hologram of you so you could spend all your time with me and Troy and Abi.
Me: Abi thank Bear for making you lunch
Abi: thank you for making me lunch.
Bear: I forgive you
Polite robot!
Abi: thank you for making me lunch.
Bear: I forgive you
Polite robot!
Family Friend : Bear when is your birthday?
Bear: when the tree is up
Bear: when the tree is up
Bear: mom I want to be a policeman when I grow up.
Mom: yeah?
Bear: yup, I might need to be a ninja policeman. But I want to get people to obey the rules.
Mom: I think you would make a great policeman. Do you know that you have to be able to read and write and obey the ones in charge of you.
Bear: uh, I think I'll be the Chief.
Mom: yeah?
Bear: yup, I might need to be a ninja policeman. But I want to get people to obey the rules.
Mom: I think you would make a great policeman. Do you know that you have to be able to read and write and obey the ones in charge of you.
Bear: uh, I think I'll be the Chief.
Bear: I love you 184% and I love God 185%
Bear: I know how to fly but I'm to heavy
Whispers from the kitchen "123"
Boys yelling: I love you mom!
Boys yelling: I love you mom!
Mom: guys look at this basement I have been saying for days we have to get down here and clean it and I keep forgetting.
Troy: well mom we are going to have to get down here first thing I the morning then its the only way its going to get done.
Troy: well mom we are going to have to get down here first thing I the morning then its the only way its going to get done.
We read the story of Jacob, Lea and Rachel
Bear: mom I love you like the beautiful girl.
Mom: what?
Bear: yeah I love you like the beautiful girl.
Mom: are you telling me that you think I'm beautiful?
Bear: yeah and snugly too!
Bear: mom I love you like the beautiful girl.
Mom: what?
Bear: yeah I love you like the beautiful girl.
Mom: are you telling me that you think I'm beautiful?
Bear: yeah and snugly too!
Bear: I don't have nightmares any more.
Mom: oh praise the Lord I still have nightmares.
Bear: well that probably because you stopped sleeping with stuffed animals. I'll give you back your little brown puppy (pound puppy that I gave him) that will fix it for you.
Mom: thanks Bear
Mom: oh praise the Lord I still have nightmares.
Bear: well that probably because you stopped sleeping with stuffed animals. I'll give you back your little brown puppy (pound puppy that I gave him) that will fix it for you.
Mom: thanks Bear
Mom: belting little mermaid while doing dishes
Abi: mom don't sing that song!
Mom: why
Abi: me don't like it
Bear: Abi that rude to tell her you dont like her song......mom its only a little annoying when you sing it
Abi: mom don't sing that song!
Mom: why
Abi: me don't like it
Bear: Abi that rude to tell her you dont like her song......mom its only a little annoying when you sing it
Bear: mom Troy and abi aren't letting me play with them
Me: hey Troy and Abi are you making bear feel loved and included?
Troy: yeah we are a family in Abi's room and he is the stranger that has to live in his own room. He is still part of the game.
Me: hey Troy and Abi are you making bear feel loved and included?
Troy: yeah we are a family in Abi's room and he is the stranger that has to live in his own room. He is still part of the game.
I don't know why Bear would ever free excluded from their game! Lol
Bear: well Dad's not going to play mind craft with me if I keep having bad attitudes.
Mom: oh were you having a bad attitude while I was gone?
Bear: yeah
Mom: why
Bear: well I wasn't getting what I wanted.
Mom: that is a bummer
Bear: yeah its just hard to choose a good one when I don't get what I want.
Mom: oh were you having a bad attitude while I was gone?
Bear: yeah
Mom: why
Bear: well I wasn't getting what I wanted.
Mom: that is a bummer
Bear: yeah its just hard to choose a good one when I don't get what I want.
Me: wow great sharing everyone
Bear: what does that make you want to say
Me: ah thanks for having great attitudes guys
Bear: oh well if I was the parent it would make me want to say he guys lets go in my bedroom and watch a movie!
Bear: what does that make you want to say
Me: ah thanks for having great attitudes guys
Bear: oh well if I was the parent it would make me want to say he guys lets go in my bedroom and watch a movie!
Smooth Bear!
Troy: I'm glad we aren't have anymore babies because it could be another girl and if we do I will never get my own room! They don't even make houses with 6 rooms.
Troy: I'm glad we aren't have anymore babies because it could be another girl and if we do I will never get my own room! They don't even make houses with 6 rooms.
Bear: mom you are my precious jewelry and you smell like donuts
Bear: mom always puts lotion on me after my bath
Granny: what kind of lotion do you use?
Bear: normal
Bear: everything about us is normal
Granny: what kind of lotion do you use?
Bear: normal
Bear: everything about us is normal
June 2014
Me: Yes just have 3 for now because they are for dinner
(several minutes and a 1/2 pound of berries later)
Bear: Mom, you know some of them are sweet and some are sour.
Me: AHHHHHH! Bear stop eating the berries! Buddy I said you could have 3, you eat half the berries!
Bear: ah, oh, I forgot, I asked God to remind me and He said, "Bear, what is 1+2?" I told Him I don't know I'm just hungry!
Bear: Mom, sometimes when I am asleep miracles happen.
May 2014
Troy: Sometimes when I need to find a toy or a shoe I ask God to help me and we walks with me and really helps me find it. I did that yesterday.
Bear: If you and Dad both die I won't get to eat hot food anymore, well, I can make eggs so I will make eggs but everything else will have to be cold.
April 2014
Troy:(on good friday) Wait Mom, Easter is all about Jesus dying on the cross or raising from the dead? I just need to know that I can tell people who don't know about it yet.
February 2014
Me: Bear the bottom line is that when I tell you what is going to happen you need to obey.
Bear: Mom, I want to tell you about another bottom line....(no need to go on)
Paul: Troy I talked to the government and they said we can have a few more days before your birthday so mom and I don't have to have you turn 6.
Bear: No Dad, it has to happen, that just life!
Troy: Mom, can we put rockin' Pandora on?
Bear: Mom, I want to tell you about another bottom line....(no need to go on)
Paul: Troy I talked to the government and they said we can have a few more days before your birthday so mom and I don't have to have you turn 6.
Bear: No Dad, it has to happen, that just life!
Troy: Mom, can we put rockin' Pandora on?
Me: What do you mean?
January 2014
Abi: Me need give you that kisses.
Me: What kisses?
Then Abi leaned in and fluttered her lashes on my cheek.
Troy: Mom, that guys had a girlfriend in the movie.
Me: Yeah? What is a girlfriend?
Troy: Its a girl that is a friend that you kind of love and if she dies you would be really sad.
Me: Oh.
Troy: Dad, Mom has boy pants on.
Paul: They are gender nutral
Troy: They are yours so they are boys
ME: Troy gender nutral is when boys and girls can both wear them
Troy: There is a show about that
Paul & Me: WHAT?
Troy: yeah, were the parents are turned into bad guys
Me: Do you mean Jimmy Nutron?
Troy: Oh YEah.
Paul: They are gender nutral
Troy: They are yours so they are boys
ME: Troy gender nutral is when boys and girls can both wear them
Troy: There is a show about that
Paul & Me: WHAT?
Troy: yeah, were the parents are turned into bad guys
Me: Do you mean Jimmy Nutron?
Troy: Oh YEah.
December 2013
Me: hey guys, who's birthday is it tomorrow?
Abi: Abi's happy birthday!
Troy: No Abi its Jesus' and for short we say Merry Christmas
Abi: Abi's happy birthday!
Troy: No Abi its Jesus' and for short we say Merry Christmas
May 2013
Paul took Troy to a first aid class for kids at the fire dept.
Teacher: How can we keep our house safe from fire.
other kid: have smoke detectors
Troy: Not let my Mom cook?
Entire class: Laughing.
April 2013
After some good wrestles.
Bear: Mom, I need some juice for my breath.
Bear: Mom, what does bread grow on?
Troy: Dad I would like a bunny for my birthday but I don't know what bunny's eat so could you put some of that with it.
As his Dad was reading about Jonah, Troy leans over to me and whispers:
Bear: Mom, I need some juice for my breath.
Bear: Mom, what does bread grow on?
Troy: Dad I would like a bunny for my birthday but I don't know what bunny's eat so could you put some of that with it.
As his Dad was reading about Jonah, Troy leans over to me and whispers:
Troy: "That really happened Mom, in our world!"
Me: Yes it did Troy.
Bear: Mom my feet hurt
Me: why do your feet hurt
Bear: they need to go hikin'
Me: I couldn't agree more!
MARCH 2013
Troy: Mom, I'm going to need to wear my spiderman suit over to Caleb's party tonight. Just incase there is some danger I'll be Peter Parker and then I can be Spider-Man if I need to beat up any bad guys.
Troy: Wow Mom I just saw a wild squire hopping in our neighborhood!
Me: Wow, Is there a kind of squire that isn't wild?
Troy: Well i don't know i just saw one and it was hopping and wild.
Bear: Mom, I am afraid to die.
Me: What part of it are you afraid of?
Bear: I am just afraid to die.
Me: Would you like to learn about dieing and what happens?
Bear: Yes
Me: OK the Bible teaches us that when we die just our bodies die but the part of you that is Bear inside like your thinking will live forever. The thing that is important is were will you live forever after your body dies. There are two places you can live. One is heaven with Jesus and God and it is beautiful and fun.
The other is hell with Satin and it is call a lake of fire.
Bear: Well, I will just have the fireman come and put out the fire.
Me: Well firemen can not put this fire out. Either burn forever or you have fun with Jesus. If you believe that Jesus died for you and ask Him to live in you then you get to go to heave with Him and God.
Bear:Oh, I love that! But how will I get to heaven.
Me: Jesus will come get you.
Bear: But how will he come down.
Me: He will come through clouds.
Bear: But how.
Me: Well I don't really know but He helped God create everything so His is able to come from heaven to earth.
Bear: oh, Can I have some more bagel?
Me: Yes you may.
After some pop pops.
Bear: do you know you are like treasure in a pirates treasure box to me? I love you like pirate treasure! I love you like drinking a snuggling cup of hot cocoa.
Bear: I like doin' that
Me: what do you like?
Bear: I like you sayin' that to me.
Lots of Hugs!
Bear: Ut oh Mom, There is poop in the fridge.
Troy: Wow Mom I just saw a wild squire hopping in our neighborhood!
Me: Wow, Is there a kind of squire that isn't wild?
Troy: Well i don't know i just saw one and it was hopping and wild.
Bear: Mom, I am afraid to die.
Me: What part of it are you afraid of?
Bear: I am just afraid to die.
Me: Would you like to learn about dieing and what happens?
Bear: Yes
Me: OK the Bible teaches us that when we die just our bodies die but the part of you that is Bear inside like your thinking will live forever. The thing that is important is were will you live forever after your body dies. There are two places you can live. One is heaven with Jesus and God and it is beautiful and fun.
The other is hell with Satin and it is call a lake of fire.
Bear: Well, I will just have the fireman come and put out the fire.
Me: Well firemen can not put this fire out. Either burn forever or you have fun with Jesus. If you believe that Jesus died for you and ask Him to live in you then you get to go to heave with Him and God.
Bear:Oh, I love that! But how will I get to heaven.
Me: Jesus will come get you.
Bear: But how will he come down.
Me: He will come through clouds.
Bear: But how.
Me: Well I don't really know but He helped God create everything so His is able to come from heaven to earth.
Bear: oh, Can I have some more bagel?
Me: Yes you may.
After some pop pops.
Bear: do you know you are like treasure in a pirates treasure box to me? I love you like pirate treasure! I love you like drinking a snuggling cup of hot cocoa.
Bear: I like doin' that
Me: what do you like?
Bear: I like you sayin' that to me.
Lots of Hugs!
Bear: Ut oh Mom, There is poop in the fridge.
Me: Oh no, that is called ginger
Bear: Ok I touch it?
Me: Sure
Bear: (throwing head back) That was funny Mom I thought that was poop but it was not!
After scribbling vigorously with an orange pen at the table:
After scribbling vigorously with an orange pen at the table:
Bear: Troy look, Its Wolverine!
Troy: Yeah, that looks great Bear!
Whispering to me as I join him at the
kitchen counter.
Troy: Mom, I was lovin' on him. It doesn't
look like Wolverine at all.
Me: (near tears) Great job lovin' him bud!
Me: Yes I did, just the boy ones
Bear: yeah the boys and the grown ups.
Me:Guys after lunch its nap time.
Troy: Mom, I know that we are all sleeping at nap time cause you are sick and that's OK with me.
Me: Wow, thank you Troy.
Troy: Your my favorite destiny (x5 in a row)
Me: Are you saying destiny?
Troy: Yeah, that's what Woody says.
Me: I think you mean Deputy like a Sheriff's deputy.
Troy: No, Its destiny
Me: OK
Bear:Dad, you know I had a dream.
Paul: What was it about?
Bear: I was holding baby Jesus and he wanted to play with Troy's Lego's.
Me: So, Bear I heard you had a great dream last night.
Bear: Yeah, I holded Baby Jesus and He was huggin' me so tight and He wanted to play with Troy's Lego's.
Bear: Mom you know you are awesome. You and me are the only awesome ones in the family.
Troy: Mom, you and me are the only ones that were born in San Diego.
Me: Well but I wasn't born in San Diego I was born in a place called Orange County. Its kind of close to SD. You and I were both born at home. Everyone else in our family was born in a hospital.
Troy: Yeah, you and me girl! We were born at home.
Troy: Mom, I am a little scared about going to Heaven.
Me: What is scary to you about it?
Troy: Well, I don't think I will like all the fire every were.
Me: Oh, I think you might be referring to Hell. There are 2 separate places to go after we die. One is Heaven and one is hell. Hell is the lake of fire and separated from God but heaven is super rad. Would you like me to read what heaven is like out of the bible?
Troy: yes
So we read in Revelation about the new Heaven and the new Earth at the table while the boys worked on puzzles.
Me: So Heaven doesn't sound so bad does it?
Troy: No, I'm going to put all my love on Jesus so I can go there. I will work really hard so God will let me in.
Me: Putting all your love on Jesus is great but we don't have to work hard for getting in we work to obey because Jesus paid for us to get in. If you sin you should pay the price by death and Jesus said I will pay that price for Troy so he can get in for free. I had completely lost him at Redemption. Another lesson for another day :)
Troy: Mom, I would like a
Bible like this one for my birthday. One with all the words. I want those
pencils too so I can color the parts i
like. And I don't want one
like this it has to be boyish like Dad's.
After everyone helped organize all of Abi's clips and hair ties in the spiderman tackle box:
Me: Ok boys, did you see how much work it was to organize this? Do not ever open this box!
Bear: You know Mom, I can not even open that box on my own. That is a blessin for you right.
Me: Well yeah I guess it is.
Almost every time I can smell a a poopie...
Me: Abi you got some poopies?
Abi turns her new pig tails to one side, smiles, giggles then turns and runs for the changing table while holding onto her butt!
Bear got a new to us jacket.
Bear: Hey Mom, I am try'n to teach my new coat to say, "Nnnnnnnnnah" but it does not say it for me.
Troy: Mom! There was a piece of chicken braw in my coffee! (Boy coffee is hot coco)
Me: Do you mean like chicken skin? Like there was a film on top of your coffee?
Troy: Yeah! And I drank it!
Me: Grose!
After ripping several in a row...
Troy: MOM! My butt is singing!
Me: Ahhhhhh, I would call that farting!
Troy: Blahjahhahahhahahahah! As he walks out of the room.
Bear: Yesterday I was a giant and I punched a whole in it.
Troy: Um, Bear that sounds like "a story."
Bear: Um, yes it is!
Troy: Mom, what is in the bag
Me: Oh,my friend Trisha gave me a Target card and I got to get a shirt
Troy: I hope it has a pony on it.
Me: Oh sorry, its just plain
Troy: oh (disappointed!)
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My new Pony-less Shirt. Sorry kid! |
Bear: Mom,who body make that noise? ( this is one of my favorites! There are some you just don't correct because you love hearing it all day!)
Bear: Mom, I can smell the Ci Ci's Pizza all the the way here!
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From going to Ci Ci's this last summer |
Bear: So Mom, how was your day that the Lord has made?
Bear: Mom, you could go to sleep and we could do chores for you.
Me: That sounds glorious! Maybe some day!
Troy: Dad we are all out of Jello. You know the hair kind!
Paul: Do you mean hair gel?
Bear: How about you guys go on a walk and I will stay here and watch a movie.
Troy: Don't worry, Mom He's just jokin'
Me: Don't worry Troy, I'm not worried. I'm the Mom and Bear is going to do what I say. I say we are going on a walk.
Troy: Cause thats the way we obey God. We obey our parents and obey our God. Right Mom?
We have been eating easier food while moving. More Pizza and less cleaner foods. I am feeling the affect and apparently so is Troy.
Troy: Mom, do you think we could start making super hero juice again? (Juicing carrots and such)
Me: Sure I think that would be a great idea. Why do you ask?
Troy: Well I just don't feel so good and I want to eat healthier.
Me: Lets get moved to our new house and we will do it.
I was signing with Abi about her breakfast. Troy began pointing at his cereal and grunting.
Me: Troy, could you please just use your words. I don't know what you are trying to tell me.
Troy: Ah Mom, (disappointed) I was trying to sign to you in Spanish that I was done with my breakfast!
After dropping Abi off with Granny:
Bear: Oh, Mom, It is so nice and quiet in this car. There are no babies.
12-24-12 through 12-29-12
Bear: Mom you have a real gun right? A bullet gun?
Me:Yes I do.
Bear: Can I see it?
Mom: No you may not its just for Mommy, in case a bad guy comes to our house and I need to boom him.
Troy: Or Dinosaur's!
Me: Or Dinosaur's.
Troy coughing and hacking for 15 min. straight in the middle of the night while sick.
Paul: Hun, could you go check on him?
Me: Sure
Me: Troy, Buddy are you OK?
Troy: Mom! Why are you waking me up? I'm trying to sleep.
Me: OK, good night.
Bear came down stairs after being gone for quite some time.
Me: Bear what were you doing?
Bear: Um, I was just not getting my pee in the toilet.
Me: Wait, you did or you did not pee in the water?
Bear: I dinnit (didn't)
Me: Where did you pee?
Bear: In your room.
Me: Like on the carpet in my room?
Bear: NO! In the bathroom. Come on I show you.
Bear: See I pee all over the bathroom back there (all over the toilet seat and floor) and back there. Don't worry Mom I was a good boy (we don't ever even use that term!) I was not a bad boy. I was just blessin' you! I cleaned it all up. (giggling and walking out of the room) That's what I do, I am just a blessin' boy.
No Clue! Really thought he was such a blessin'. i of course spent the next several minutes cleaning up my blessin'.
The 3 and I were playing with Abigail's new baby dolls. The boys were practicing being Daddy's and us girls were the Mommy's. Bear Broke away to get his tools out and start building right next to us.
Bear: Mom, you got to be quiet the babies are sleeping and I am working. Troy you want to be a "Big Daddy" and work with me?
Troy: Yeah! Mom, I have to go to work and make money so you girls can be Mommy's and stay home and protect the babies. Cause that's what Mommy's and Daddy's do right.
Me: That's what they do in our family and in the bible.
Troy: Well that's what I'm doin'.
Troy: Bear read your card it says, "Dear, Bear, I love you so much you can be my bother forever."
Troy has started making up songs. There are 3 notes over and over. He likes to write down letters in his special super hero book Mamo gave him and then sing the songs back to us. Tonight's song went like this:
God your the greatest and we want to do what you want
God you are the greatest and we need to obey our parents
even if they get a little frustrated with us sometimes
Jesus you can do anything we want you to do
But You don't always do what we want because sometimes you are busy spending time with your Dad
Mary and Joseph got married so now you have 2 Dads
While running with cookies in a Tupperware:
Bear: Wow, Mom I didn't know cookies could dance did you?
Troy: Mom, could you turn the heat conditioner on? I'm a little chiwwy (Chilly).
#2: Ah! All my milk is gone! That is not a blessin' for me.
Me: Ok #1, I'm am thinking we can pack more boxes for chore time.
#1: Um, no I think we should pack boxes for free time.
Me: So you think we should do something like laundry for chore time and pack for free time?
#1: Yep!
Me: I will say yes to that every time!
#2: Troy is 4 and I am free (3) that is workin'. 12-5-12
Me:Isn't it so much fun to have Christmas Music on while we do chores?
#1: Yeah! It makes me want to obey you!
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Vader Boy! |
Coming down stairs in the morning with his newly passed down Darth Vader shirt on.
#2:Mom #1 helped me with this shirt, he gave it to me
Mom: You look great.
#2: I told #1 I will be this guys when
Me: But Darth Vader is a Bad Guy.
#2: Don't worry Mom I will be a bad guy and a good guy.
#1: Mom is Batman a real guy too?
Me: What do you mean? Are you asking if he is a real person you could meet?
#1: No I know he is just in books and TV but is he a real guy and then Batman like Spider man is a real guy and then Spider man.
Me: Oh, yeah. His real guy name is Bruce Banner.
#1: (lowered tone) Do you think my Dad knows him?
Me: I don't know maybe.
#1: Cause Batman is a real guy that changes and saves people and my Dad is a real guy that changes and saves people.
Me: You should ask him.
(Paul is a fireman)
Busting through the door to tell me all about Thanksgiving at Granny and Granddad's
#1: Mom guess what? I got a fork and a knife! I got my own roll and even used my knife to put the butter on all by myself.
Me: Wow! Bud, someone must think you are growing up!
#1: Yeah, It was Dad...Do you remember that he is pretty awesome?
#1:Mom I'm going to beat up my sin today.
Me: You are? That sounds wonderful! How are you going to do that?
#1:I'm going to punch it!
Me:Where are you going to get the power for that?
#2: I like this part on my chicken (Breading on the chicken breast)
#1: You know that's the bra right?
#1: Mom, on yesterday's tonight I had a dream I got to hold some ducks.
Me: Are you saying last night?
#1: Yeah, Ducks Mom! I held them.
Paul: (ticking #1)#1: You better not do that Dad or I'm going to have to ask you to wrestle!
Paul: So let's wrestle!
Me: #2 no put that down you aren't supposed to see that! #2: Don't worry Mom I not tell anyone you got me a scooter for my birthday.
Me:#1 we should talk to Aunt Shell Shell about what we want to do for making a cake for Jesus' birthday.
#1: We should make a cake with grass on it.
Me: What is the grass for?
#1: for Jesus to sand on, we can make a Jesus with a birthday hat with a candle coming out of it.
Me: I don't know what Jesus looks like do you?
#1: Yeah, (in a matter of fact tone) He has long hair and wears a white shirt with a purple belt and His shoes are kind of like flip flops but not the same.
Me: Oh
Me: #2 did you disobey Mommy?#2: Yes
Me: and God says in the Bible #2 obey your Mom and Dad...so did you disobey God
#2: Yes but who is next?
Me: Who is after God?
#2: yeah!
Me: that's it God is at the top
#2: ok (sad ready for his pop pop)
Me: I love you #1
#1: I love #3 the most in our family, you love being my Mom huh?
Me: Yes I do
#1: I love you and Dad too.
Long pause....
Me: What about #2?
#1: He's my buddy.
Paul got the kids out of bed this Sunday morning.
#2: What you doing home!
Paul: I didn't have work today I'm home, is that ok?
#2: YES!!!
Paul got the kids out of bed this Sunday morning.
#2: What you doing home!
Paul: I didn't have work today I'm home, is that ok?
#2: YES!!!
Driving down the road. Out of the blue
#1: Mom could you sing Over the Mountains and the Seas?
Me: Sure...
I start singing but have a hard time because I keep giggling about such a sweet request.
Me: Good Morning Guys
#1: Wait MOM! I am going to choose a good attitude all the way to the end of the day...
Me: yeaaaaaah?
#1: Lets just pray right now.
Me: OK
#1: Jesus please help me to be kind to my brother and sister and not get any pop pops today, amen.
I'll start any day like that! Thanks Troy!
#1: "Mom i think i take really good care of my bother and sister and that is why Jesus built me first to be the biggest and do that"
#2: Mom i can't make it! (while running in circles in front of the toilet.
Me: Just pull your pants down and make it.
#2: But i can not cross my eyes
Me: ( no response just chuckle while I help with the pants he if fully capable of pulling down himself)
Me: #2 did you just hit #1 with that skate?
#2: I wanted a skate
Me: Is that a good reason to hit?
#2: No!
Me: is there ever a good reason to hit?
#2: (just to say the right thing) No.
Me: sometime you can hit if you are protecting your family from bad guys but you may not hit your
family, friends or dog.
#2: i will shoot bad guys with a bullet out of a gun, that is ok right?
Me: Well if your sure they are going to shoot you or someone else first yes but you are not in a
position yet were you need to be worrying about that.
#1: Well I'm in the position of shooting a gun at a target at the shooting range.
Me: yep.