Thursday, December 6, 2012

Playing Store

So this one is not a spiritual lesson but I found this old school register that I played with when i was a child. I paid $1 for it. The gal at the flee market couldn't have know it was worth so much more! The original money wasn't included so I used some disc that my Mom gave us from their sign shop and super glued money to it so we could play store and continue learning the basics of the worth of coins. We use the paper with money taped to it for price tags. We use any old toys around the house. Last time we did this we bought and sold Mr. Potato Head pieces. Once you build your potato head we switched cashiers. 


What is a Fool?

     Our Big Brown Puppy gave us something great to talk about this morning! VOMIT!

#1: Mom! Duke barfed!
       Duke had just eaten breakfast so he was in his kennel and the mess was just wet dog food.

Me: Boys watch what Duke does with his vomit.
       Duke of course eat it.

Boy: YUCK! Gross!

Me: Yep, isn't that disgusting! Guess what the Bible talks about dog's vomiting!
       Got their attention with that one! I got out my bible and read. (Trying to get the bible out more so they see for themselves that it really is in there)

Me: Proverbs 26:11 
As a dog returns to its vomit so a fool returns to his folly. 
So guys, what is a fool?

Boy: don't know

Me: Is someone who keeps going back and doing something wrong over and over again and he doesn't want Jesus to help him stop. 

#1: So he is a bad guy!

Me: Yes bad guys are foolish but we can do things like a fool too. Do you think a fool is a wise man or unwise

Boy: unwise

Me: do you think a fool is teachable, he likes to learn to do the right thing or unteachable, doesn't listen when someone is teaching him?

Boys: teachable.

Me: So a fool is a person that does something wrong and just like Duke went back and eat his nasty vomit a fool returns to his folly. 

Troy: what is a folly mom

Me: great question, a folly is like what I did this morning. I got frustrated with while you were not reading the way I have taught you. I was wrong. A folly is doing something you know is wrong. 

#1: like if I lie?

Me: yup, Bear can you think of something you do that is a folly? LONG PAUSE Like maybe hitting?

#2: Oh yeah that is bad. 

Me: So a folly is doing that sinful thing over and over and not wanting to change it. 

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