OK, I am jumping right into a subject that can be a touch in the sensitive zone. Let me start with I have had major struggles with weight and body image. God has healed much of it but I am still very much on my face with Him when it comes to self- control with food. Even though being over weight has been a struggle for me and even some that I love with all my heart it is something that Troy asked about and its an issue like any other. If we don't teach our kids about it the world will.
Growing up in our home I don't think Troy has ever heard us talk about "fat people" or even use the term "fat." I know this because just recently he heard his cousin use the term and came and asked me, "what does fat mean."
Ci Ci Pizza trip in the summer. Its the last pizza picture I have. |
The teaching came about during our move. We were out of our minds tired one evening and had no food to feed our kid's. Paul and I decided we were going to Ci Ci's Pizza. A family favorite and treat. As dinner was just about over a larger man walked past our table. "Dad! That guy has a huge tummy! and he isn't even covering it with his shirt, that is not appropriate." We of course hoped the man didn't hear him and began to teach quietly in our booth. "Troy, you are right it is immodest not to cover your tummy when you are out, but that isn't something you say real loud when you see it." "Why is that guys tummy so big?" "Well, you know how we try to eat really healthy foods? Most likely that man doesn't make the same choices. Some times people have things going wrong with inside body parts and their bodies look bigger like that but a lot more times its because they make bad choices with the food they choose to eat. You know how we have not been eating very good food while we are moving and you just asked if we could eat better because its making your body not feel so good. People living in those bigger bodies probably feel like that all the time. OK, so we have just told you that bigger or fat people make bad choices with their food, this is not something you tell some one that has a bigger body. You can know that it isn't healthy but you do not ever tell someone about their bad choices. Jesus will talk to them about it. We all make bad choices some times its just that when some one makes bad choices with food you can see it on their bodies. They need self-control from Jesus just like you need self-control from Jesus to obey Mom and Dad the first time we ask you to do something. Do you understand what we are saying?" Troy was paying attention and we were sure he got the part about not correcting some one about their weight and not pointing out larger people in public. His response was, "Yes, I get it, can I get some more pizza?"
Especially with our oldest, teacher, put things in their place boy we want to be so careful to teach the truth but also teach how to be appropriate with the truth. Just because you know something to be true about someone else doesn't mean you have the right to correct them. What a valuable lesson for us adults as well. I love that we are getting to venture into teaching these bigger life issues. I love that we get to shape our kids world views. What a heavy and wonderful responsibility it is to take the time to explain life issues and teach what God's word says about them!
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