Saturday, February 23, 2013

When and What they Eat.

    We had family over a while ago.  I made everyone lunch.  All the kids plates looked similar to this. My sweet sister in love got excited over this idea of a bunch of finger foods for a meal.  I told her, "girl this is 5 years in the making."  You may already eat this way but I have noticed two things.  My kids love what I give them.  There are certain veggies that one may not like and another does but for the most part if it is a fruit or veggie they love them.  I am accountable for what I fuel their bodies with and I experience the difference in behavior when I make good food choices for them.  
     If I eat with them and the same thing as them I usually end up eating better.  I am more mindful to put good pure food into their little systems than I am mine.  I don't know why but since that is the case I have started eating when they eat and what they eat.  I feel so much healthier. T oddlers don't have a tendency to go too long with out eating.  As a Mom constantly juggling needs I do have a tendency to get to 3 pm. and realize the reason I feel like I could pass out is that I haven't eaten or I haven't eaten good food.  Eating more frequently has been proven to be better for your metabolism.  Who doesn't want to nurture their metabolism as we know that it is what helps us loose weight and feel good.   Just a tiny tip.  I hadn't thought of it until my sister got excited about it so I thought I would share. 


  1. This is a fantastic idea! (Lia)

  2. Thanks Lia! It has made such a difference. We end up eating 5 times a day...smaller meals.
