Let me start with acknowledging that there are amazing woman out there that are apart from their favorite human on earth more that I am. My man works 60-70 hours a week between his current job and volunteering for the fire dept. I am in full support of this schedule as the job pays the most of the bills. Running shifts, training and working out are all hours spent with the fire dept. towards the goal of getting a ful-time fire job one day.
There is always going to be some one that has it harder than you and you are always going to have it harder than someone else. Sadly, in the past I have gotten caught up in the who is suffering more thing and there really is no edification in it. Each person has trials taylored perfectly by God with the purpose of His glory and our good. God also gives taylored grace to stuggle well and to learn how to move from complaining to rejoiceing. To move from rebellion in our hearts twards God about the trials He has aloud and towards meekness, submitting not understanding the why's and worshiping Him anyways.
So a big struggle in my heart the last few Sunday's has been not wanting a new week to start. I mean I would just be on the verge of tears and angry the last few hours of the day. I would feel sorry for myself and be down right depressed. I knew that my behavior wasn't honoring to God but sometimes I need Him to fix my "feel like it" because I don't even feel like doing the right thing sometimes. If a man is what he thinks (Proverbs 23:7) then I needed a change of thinking. So last Monday after a terrible attitude Sunday night I
"PLANNED ON IT" in my thinking.
Plan: All week be thankful for the time Paul is home not complaining about the time he is gone. This also helps in not putting unreal expectations on him and the family for the short time we do have to be just amazing and perfect! If Paul has to train and discipline during his time with the kids in the evenings and on his half a weekend then thats ok...He is their DAD!
So Sunday rolls around and man...my heart begins to sink. I had to fight for a thankful thinking. All day I would picture myself sending Paul off to shift with a smile and no tears. It worked! i know there may still be days that are harder than others but planning on a right attitude was totally helpful!
The 3 and i even ended up getting to go to the fire station and play on the truck! Blessed!
Guys wrestling |
Us girls at the table |
Paul just had his gear washed...putting it back together |
love that smile! |
inside the truck |
My handsom yet so sleepy Love of my life |
Abi not impressed with the siren |
New goal for the week |
This was my hair all through target and none of the people I
was with told me...probably cause they were 4 and under. |