Saturday, September 6, 2014

Your the perfect Mom

     Over the years I have watched my Mom with my adult handicapped bother.  I have noticed that she really is the perfect Mom for him.  I have never know a woman to pay more attention to detail and have never know a guy to delight and appreciate that gift in some one as much as Lukie.  For example she has a quilt for his bed for every season.  There is nothing my bother loves more that to celebrate something and she does it with him in the tiny things and big things.  So its easy for me to see that God knew what He was doing when He pared the two of them up.

My Mom and Lucas. Sorry about the orientation I just couldn't
figure it out but aren't they sweet! She is amazing! 
     If this is true about Parents and kids which of course we believe it is.  God picks the kids we get and He is sovereign and He is good and He knows what He is doing.  Why did I want to break down cry and roll the eyes of my heart when my Mother in Love said these very words to me just yesterday?
     We have some serious fighting going on in our home right now.  Mainly between the two fire crackers #2 and #3.  I couldn't accepted the truth at first from my Mother in love because if I am so perfect for them then I would think I might have a clue about what to do with them.  In that moment standing on her porch I didn't.
      I am so thankful that James 1 tells us that we can ask for wisdom and God will give it.  I am also so thankful for a husband that loves these kids as much as I do and knows them yet has a more pulled back perspective on the situation that I do because he isn't in the thick of it every moment like I am.   Between asking the Lord and my husband for help this is were we are at.  LOCK DOWN.  Or as Abi way more cutely says "wock down." Lock down is when the kids loose all privileges.  What is considered a privilege? Most everything.  They get to eat and drink and read their bible and  do regular chores but beyond that nothing.  No toys, no electronics, no play dates, no fishing and no hiking.
I refer to them as firecrackers,
 never to them but to you my reader.
I think firecrackers are beautiful. 
     Yesterday when I reported to my man that we did not have a good morning.  That both younger children have screamed, hit, bitten and threatened to do all of those things to each other repeatedly he said "OK, Its time for lock down." I don't often make this call and I'm going to be honest its because I am selfish.  I like to hike and  let them watch TV on Saturdays (because its the only day of the week we even let them watch TV so they love it and I love it). It take sacrifice sometimes to fallow through with giving them a consequence that gets their attention beyond a pop pop or a time out.
     I realized something new and extremely important this round of lock down.  I RESCUE!!!  It is really easy to see this when someone else is doing it but some how I missed it in myself.  I was sharing with Paul that I was dreading the next day because it is supposed to be a day of rest and now I have to try and come up with chores for them to do all day!  He quickly responded, "no you don't this house doesn't revolve around the kids if it is your day of rest then you need to rest."  I responded, "I don't think they know that."  Paul said, "I can guarantee they don't know that."  I sat for a moment and this is when God said yes to the request for wisdom.  It came out of my mouth before I could over think it and I said. "I DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT THIS HOUSE DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND THE KIDS." Paul more gently responded,  "I don't think so either Babe."  Well dang it and Thank you JESUS!  This would be a great time to cut this out of my interaction with my children!  I am so thankful God showed me so plainly and so gently.  When my kids need a good consequence that makes them uncomfortable such as lock down I get in there and try to ease the blow.  Believe me when you loose everything chores are a delight and I would run my self ragged trying to delight my children in their consequence when they should be feeling he sting of their bad choices.  So no more rescuing.  Their choices are going to get bigger and life consequences bigger.  If they can rely on Mama to make it easier then I am only going to get in the way of what God is doing to get their attention and show them that they must be desperate for Him, and abide in Him to bear fruit in this life.
     Thank you Jesus that you paired me up with my kids, that I am the right woman for the job because you are good and wise enough to help me, thank you that I am also off the hook.  I don't have to rescue them.  That is why you came to this earth. To die for their sin so they wouldn't have to. Thank you that there is consequence for sin and the sting reminds us that we can not do this life fruitfully apart form you.  Draw their little hearts in by your love and YOUR RESCUE. 

1 comment:

  1. Well thought I did this but guess it didn't go through. So here we go again! I love keeping up with you! And yes Mom's rescue! Glad you have a Godly partner and the open heart to hear God's wisdom. After many years I learned that when we women rescue we don't leave any time for recover. What a blessing you heard that wisdom! He gives us wisdom daily and certainly sometimes when we least expect it! Hugs my friend!
