I have always loved taking pictures. I love the digital camera's now and that you can take as many as you want and just delete whatever doesn't capture what you want. I think most of us keep or post pictures that we like. You don't often see a wall covered in terrible family pictures or the worst of the bunch. We pick the best to put on display. Normal, I do it you do it. This has been said before but sometimes there is danger with blogs, face book and Instagram media because we see a snap shot in some one's life and assume we have the whole picture. I bring this up because I am only ever able to share snap shot with you on my blog. There is a whole picture that includes wonderful things and terrible moments that go on in our home. I do strive to be REAL with this blog. Paul and I are not perfect parents we constantly take comfort in the fact that God is gracious and faithful to redeem the things we are doing to screw our kids up. Perfection can't be the goal as it is not attainable. Surrendering to and loving the Lord with all your hearts and teaching your kids how to do the same is the goal. I just wanted to say that before I share a SNAP SHOT of something cool God is doing in our home right now.
I recently attended a woman's conference and the last speaker of the day hit me square between the eyes! The truth and the way she shared it met me right were I was at. I walked away strengthened for the life God has called me to. I got to talk to her for a second. I had planned on giving her a canvas but ended up with every book she has ever written as she just gave them to me! One of them is called Beyond Bath Time. If you are raising kids or want to one day I would encourage you to get and read this baby! One of the question's she asked was what are you good at? How are you using that with raising your kids and be the mom God has made you to be, or something like that.
Back to the conference there was a time when they played a song and a gal did the most beautiful sign language to it. I felt a great stirring in my heart as she was signing...like part of me that was asleep for a long time woke up in inexpressible JOY! I had forgotten how much I love sign language and that it is one of the few things that comes very naturally for me (also on the list balloon animals).
My first thought with this awakened part of my heart was, "oh yeah I love that. Maybe when my kids grow up I can take classes and interpret." I began to pray about what to do with the incredible desire to sign again. I say again because I have a brother with downs and was exposed to sign most of my life and learned it for my second language in high school.
As I prayed and then read that question Erin posed in her book the Lord whispered, "teach your kids." Maybe even one day they can have a play date with children who can't hear.
So we got started! We had already started memorizing 1 Cor. 13:4-8 because that is what Mommy needed to be working on! We usually memorize scripture and make up hand motions, so this concept wasn't much different. I got on line and found an great website with short video's of each sign. Its called signing savvy. They even have an app for my phone which I hope to purchase one day. At breakfast each morning we eat and look up the signs for the next chunk of our scripture. It is so rad how sign is often acting out what you would say with words. So as I teach the signs I also get to explain the truth and give them ways to remember the sign with biblical backing. This has brought such depth of conversation and fun into our little world.
God creates each one of us on purpose. He places in us talents and styles. I will probably never be the kind of mom that bakes home made goods and delights my children with that wonderful experience on a regular basis. I am the mom that makes homemade beef jerky to throw in there pockets and go on a hike up the creek! One is not better than the other. In God's sovereign foreknowledge of what our kids will need invested in them He created us with styles and preferences.
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In my natural bent of beef jerky creek Mom |
Having said that there is the other side of the coin. Being willing to push past our comfort zone for the sake of others. My closest other's in my life right now are kids but this can apply to anyone in your life. For example one of my dearest friends loves to bake with her girls and would love to do horses with them. As I mentioned before I don't even think about baking on my own and I did do horses last week with my kids but not because I wanted to or even like horses. I actually am indifferent about horses and they kind of scare me.
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Not so natural Horse Mom |
So the challenge and encouragement is this. Is there something God wants you do in your life that is super natural for you and you could serve others with it. And flip side, is there something you would not choose on your own that you need to be doing to love someone and invest into them.
I hope you have a wonderful week and the Lord blesses you with many opportunities to love those around you with both sides of the coin.
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