There are moments that I am not thankful. I know the gospel, I know that circumstantially I am blessed with sooooo much more than the people I witnesses when I went to India ( at age 17). Yet, I fail to remain in an attitude of gratitude. I start to complain. I grumble. It never makes me "feel better" on the contrary its like digging a pit mentally and launching myself down it. It's actually more effort to complain than to be thankful even though complaining is so natural in our flesh.
I have been asking the Lord to show me how to "get thankful." I love that His answer is so very simple. He gave me this scripture and thought.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are with out excuse, because although they knew God they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:20-21.
To glorify in this scripture means to praise, extol, magnify, celebrate, honour, render excellent. (Thyer's Greek Definitions) God reveals Himself to EVERYONE. Every single person comes up against a choice to believe He is who He says He is or to reject the truth and move on with their lives. If there is rejection there is no glory given to God by that individual. If there is belief unto salvation then that person does glory God. It seems to me in this scripture that thankfulness is a natural by product of the heart that is glorifying God.
So to get thankful isn't really the concept to be focused on is it? The goal is to glorify God. To praise Him, to render Him excellent. I love that one, render excellent. When I think something is excellent it gets my attention. God is jealous for our attention. A perfect and beautiful jealously to hold our attention before any other thing in life. When I give Him my attention, I glorify Him and I can't help but be thankful! A thankful life is so much more fun than a complaining life....for me personally and everyone else I interact with. You know what He does with our attention...shows us how much He loves us!
My 3 year old, Bear walks around all day long telling me what he Wuv's. "Oh, Mommy I wuv your dress, Mommy I wuv my RaRa (his stuffed puppy), Mommy I wuv oranges." What a great example found in a child.
I desire to live my daily life telling God what I "wuv" about Him and all He has done.
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For: Hand me downs |
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For: Being a team with my husband with sick kids. Tired but unified |
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For: a husband that loves our kids |
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For: My little brother that constantly reminds us of the most important things. Enjoying the race even if you come in dead last. |
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For: the fact that waiting is not being miserable till you get what you want but a time for God to do or undo things in your heart. |
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For: Friends |
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For: Post pig tail hair! |